Ultralight Folding Wheelchairs
Ultralight wheelchairs are a lighter weight option than lightweight wheelchairs and are highly configurable to meet your exact needs. The wheelchairs in this category have a “X” cross brace that allows the frame to be folded down for easier transport and storage.
Something to think about when considering a ultralight folding wheelchair, while the frames can be adjusted to allow a user to foot propel themselves - there is an energy loss across the different frame components which does reduce propulsion efficiency.
Most ultralight wheelchairs have adjustable configurations which can adjust the center of gravity and seat slope. Axle plates are designed to move the center of gravity rearward which can increase stability for some patients.
The frame style of the ultralight wheelchairs are modular which allows you to adapt the chair as a user’s needs change. The frame of these chairs typically offer an option of fixed front or swing-away front end.
If you need assistance going through a wheelchair’s customization options, please contact our friendly and knowledgeable customer service representatives who would be happy to make sure you have the information you need to make an informed decision.