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Tranquility Topliner Contour Booster Pad

Manufacturer: Principle Business Enterprises
Part Number: PU309X
Price: $8.49 Pk 12

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Wide hourglass shape helps contains bowel. Soft texture and no adhesive strip makes cleanup easier.

TopLiner Booster Contours are designed as flow-through pads that fill to capacity then pass additional fluid to the primary undergarment economically extending the use of any disposable brief or undergarment. They improve wearing comfort by ending leakage, rashes, and nighttime changes. Easy to change and dispose. The TopLiner Booster Contours have a wider design to help contain bowel incontinence. The soft texture makes clean up easier. The Super-Plus size works well with bariatric-size products. Latex-free.

Peach Mat Guarantee

The promise of unsurpassed overall performance in the areas of skin dryness, odor reduction, urine pH neutralization and inhibition of bacterial growth.

Cloth-Like Backsheet

Product outer layer is soft and rustle free.



Part # Dimensions Capacity
3096 21.5" x 13.5" 13.6 oz.
3097 32" x 14" 27.5 oz.


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