E-Z Reach Digi-A-Sert Digital Bowel Stimulator

Part Number: 30511
Price: $111.00 Ea
The E-Z Reach Digi-A-Sert Digital Bowel Stimulator from Therafin is an efficient and comfortable therapy aid for bowel management. It features a comfortable vinyl strap to accommodate a flail hand, and can be used with both the right and left hands. The Digi-Sert technology includes a diameter tapered Delrin tip with a moveable retaining washer that adjusts for depth of penetration, providing users with more control over the process.
The E-Z Reach Bowel Stimulator has a 4.5 reach, while its ergonomic handle design allows for secure and easy operation. Its lightweight construction helps to reduce fatigue and makes it suitable for use on an elevated toilet seat. The design is also tailored to comfortably fit into the users hand, making for an easy grip during each application.
The E-Z Reach Digi-A-Sert Digital Bowel Stimulator is a reliable and effective solution that simplifies the process of bowel management. Its reliable and efficient design provides the user with a comfortable and secure experience with each use. With its simple and intuitive operation, the Digi-Sert technology ensures a safe and efficient process each time.