PARI LC PLUS Reusable Nebulizer Set

Part Number: 022F81
Retail Price:
Price: $20.50 Ea
Designed for children as well as adults; uses 2 valves to maximize aerosol delivery and minimize medication wastage. Exclusive use by many top pharmaceutical companies to gain recent approval for products (AstraZenica- Pulmicort Respules; Sepracor- Xopenex; Chiron- TOBI; Dey- AccuNeb and DuoNeb; Genentech- Pulmozyme).
Works with all brands of air compressors. Provides fast treatments, 6.5 to 8.5 minutes (continuous nebulization, inspiratory flow 20 l/min., fill volume 2.5 ml.; treatment times may vary with patients age and severity of disease). No hand-lung coordination required. A reusable nebulizer, lasting 6 to 12 months, it can be cleaned in the dishwasher, boiled, or autoclaved.
Set includes PARI LC PLUS Reusable Nebulizer, Tubing, Tubing Adapter, Mouthpiece and Tri-lingual instructions for use. 6-month warranty.