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Molift Quick Raiser 2 Sit To Stand Patient Lift

Manufacturer: Molift by etac
Part Number: N04400
Price: $4,927.00 Ea

$4,927.00    Add to Cart

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  • Fast sit to stand lifts
  • Easy to use slings
  • Power expanding legs
  • Fast charging


Molift Quick Raiser 2 sit to stand patient lift system is a quick and easy to use patient sit to stand transfer lift. Often referred to as a sit to stand lift or Sara lift.

The Quick Raiser 2 has a low base (4") that fits under most beds and chairs while the electrically spreadable legs enables accessibility almost everywhere.

Patient transfers are quick, safe and easy. Molift Quick Raiser 2 is ideal for wheelchair to toilet patient transfers.

The Molift Quick Raiser lift provides the optimal lift angle making the Molift Raiser the most comfortable and fastest sit to stand transfer lift on the market.

The Molift Quick Raiser patient sit to stand transfer system places the least amount of pressure under the arms of the patient for a comfortable transfer.

The Molift Raiser 1 transfer lift is easy to assemble and easy to use. Includes charger, battery, and your choice of basic lift slings.

The Molift Raiser 2 patient transfer lift is easy to assemble and easy to use.

Constructed of aluminum and steel make the Raiser lightweight and maneuverability a breeze.

Molift Quick Raiser 2 sit to stand patient transfer slings are comfortable, easy to apply, and fast.

Ideal patient lift for home use.

Molift Sit to stand patient lift

Natural Lift Trajectory Provides More Patient Comfort.

Molift Raiser 1 has a unique lift trajectory that matches more closely a natural standing motion. This enhances the comfort for the patient and allows for a more comfortable transition from the seated position.

molift patient lift controller

Easy To Use Controls.

Molift Raiser 2 controls are easy to understand and use.

Electrically Spreadable Legs

The perfect alternative when the lifter is used together with chairs with no accessibility underneath, such as electric wheelchairs and recliners.

Greater Care

Caregivers can now have more direct focus on the patient lift transfer rather than the mechanics of the patient lifter.

Ease of Maneuverability

Molift Raiser has a narrow base, 24", to fit though most bathroom doors with ease.

molift patient lift battery pack

Environmentally Friendly Quick Charge Battery

Molift battery pack is simple to recharge and charges in only 3 hours. Providing up to 40 fast transfers per charge.



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