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Kaye Bolster Chair

Manufacturer: Kaye Products
Part Number: BX
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The Kaye Bolster Chairs are most appropriate for children with spastic or athetoid CP who have stiffness in the lower extremities that may prevent them from sitting with a wide base of support. The lateral pelvic supports and foot supports, standard on the Kaye Bolster Chairs, foster symmetry and alignment in sitting without the necessity of restraints. This makes it possible for the child to move in sitting without producing movements that interfere with balance and postural control.

The Kaye Bolster Chairs can be purchased with an adjustable Chest Support System that limits movements of the upper trunk to the range that the child can control, allowing the child to lean forward or to the sides to reach and play, yet regain the upright position with less effort.

The Kaye Bolster Chairs are an excellent seating alternative for children who sit on the floor with their legs under them, W-style, to gain stability. Prolonged W-sitting contributes to secondary muscle contractures and skeletal deformities.

Excessive adduction and flexion of the hips in children with CP limits their ability to move into and out of sitting and prevents normal alignment for standing and walking.

The Kaye Bolster Chairs maintain hip flexion with abduction and external rotation, a position that promotes movement in sitting and inhibits the deforming influences of W-sitting. With lateral pelvic supports, the Bolster Chairs facilitate symmetrical posture so that the child can use both hands freely. The adjustable foot supports help maintain the hips and knees at 90 degrees in order to keep the childs center of gravity over the base of support, yet the foot supports do not restrain the feet.


Model B3 B4
User Age: 2 - 6 yrs. 5 - 11 yrs.
User Size: up to 42" up to 48"
User Weight: 55 lb. (25 kg.) 100 lb. (45 kg.)
Bolster Size: 15" Long x 8" Diameter 23" Long x 10" Diameter
Height from Floor to Seat: 7" - 13" 9" - 17 1/2"
Back Height: 7" Above Seat 10" Above Seat
Back Extension Height: Adds 8" to Back Height Adds 11" to Back Height
Lateral Pelvic Supports: 4 1/2" - 6 1/2" Between Cushions 5 1/2" - 10" Between Cushions
Tray Dimensions: 25" W x 23 1/2" D 25" W x 29 1/2" D