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AM-SX 1060 Changing Table

Manufacturer: Armedica
Part Number: AMSX1060
Price: $2,485.00 Ea
$2,485.00    Add to Cart


  • 4 swivel locking casters
  • Footswitch control
  • 120-volt 60 Hz motor
  • Moves smoothly up and down with no horizontal travel
  • Optional 6" Clearance Base


Hi-Lo Changing Table with one section top piece and side rails that pivot down for easy patient transfer and access. Sturdy X-Frame design uses 11 gauge steel tubing.

The motorized table effectively lowers to 18" above the floor for easy access, allowing patient transfer with little assistance. This helps eliminate back strain and pain from lifting and transferring patients. Also, with a motorized elevation of 37", the caregiver can tend to the patient in an upright position.

The AM-SX Series Changing Tables are ideal for those facilities accommodating children and adults with special needs.


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