Bantam Small Pediatric Standing Frame

Part Number: PT50002-1
Price: $3,638.00 Ea
The EasyStand Bantam is the new pediatric stander by Altimate Medical. By integrating a supine option into the sit-to-stand stander, the child has even more positioning options.
The Bantam standing frame is available in two different seating systems: standard planar seating or optional comfy-style seating. It comes in two sizes, Extra Small for kids 28" - 40" tall and Small for kids 36" - 54" tall.
Like all EasyStand products, the Bantam includes tool-free adjustments that make it ideal for multi-user environments. To accommodate the needs of a variety of kids, the Bantam is also available with optional supine positioning. Numerous options and precise positioning provide your child with the ultimate standing experience.
Sit + Stand + Supine In One Stander
Bantam pediatric standers are designed to provide the ultimate in positioning options.
Sitting - Bantam provides full support for all sitting activities.
Standing - Child is fully supported from the entire transition from the sitting to standing position.
Supine - The option to easily go from upright to supine encourages longer periods of standing, especially when loss of head control begins.
Unique Options found only on the EasyStand Bantam:
- The Bantam combines the ease of a sit-to-stand stander with the option of supine positioning.
- The Bantams optional Shadow Tray supports the child from sitting to standing.
- The Bantam offers an independent transition to standing with the optional hand-operated hydraulic pump.
- The Bantam is available with standard planar seating, optional comfy seating, or a combination of both.
Natural sit-to-stand transition gently brings child to standing
One person can transfer the child from their wheelchair into the stander in the seated position. Secure positioning straps and optional Shadow Tray Depress foot button to activate the gas spring assisted lift; elevate child to the desired position
Bantam Shadow Tray for Schools
The ability to use the Bantam Shadow Tray as both a stander and a desk make it a perfect choice in a school setting. As the child moves into a standing position, the tray shadows them, providing tray access in all positions from sitting to standing. Children who have contractures and stand partially upright have complete access to the tray, while remaining fully supported.
Why Stand Kids with Disabilities?
There are a number of excellent research studies documenting the medical benefits of standing programs for a childs long-term health. Besides the medical benefits, children have also experienced enhanced social development & peer interaction while standing. Therapists and teachers have noticed increased alertness, vocalization and responsiveness. Parents have observed how activities of daily living have increased, and kids like how standing stimulates play!
Shipping | 24 x 24 x 30 (100lbs) |