Varilite Evolution Cushion

Part Number: EVOLUTION
Retail Price:
Price: $348.00 Ea Extended Ship Times
- 3.5" height, fully inflated.
- Self-inflating
- Low-Skid Bottom
The VARILITE Evolution is the cushion of choice for wheelchair users with a high risk of tissue breakdown and symmetric positioning needs.
Therapists recommend the Evolution for individuals with motor and neurological dysfunction due to spinal-cord injury, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and traumatic brain injury. Therapists value the Evolutions outstanding pressure distribution and postural support.
Users and caregivers value its low weight, comfort, and ease of use. No pumps or accessories. No kneading or manipulation.
Superior pressure distribution, positioning stability, comfort and simplicity have made the Evolution our most popular wheelchair cushion. By adding VARILITEs innovative PSV (Pressure Setting Valve) weve made the Evolution PSV even better, taking the guesswork out of cushion adjustment.
VARILITE Air-Foam Floatation makes the Evolution ultralight, without compromising pressure distribution and support.
1. Air and Foam Flotation
Three densities of foam make up three distinct areas of the cushion. Stiffer foam is used around the perimeter and at the pommel of the cushion, medium foam is used for the thigh trough, pelvic bucketing and pre-ischial bar, while softer foam provides pressure relief in the decubitus-sensitve areas of the ITs. By releasing air from the cushion, the end user becomes immersed, distributing the load over the entire cushion surface, reducing the likelihood of redness or breakdown.
2. Positioning Supports
A pre-ischial bar/ridge, pelvic bucketing, and medial and lateral thigh supports are created by the use of multi-density foams. The medial and lateral supports are effective in minimizing internal and external lower extremity rotation while the pre-ischial bar helps maintain pelvic position. These supports assist in positioning and add stability to the user, an important factor when dealing with compromised sitting balance or frequent transferring.
3. Wedge
An adjustable Ethafoam wedge is standard with the Evolution cushion. A wedge can be effective in reducing the seat-to-back angle, thus increasing the weight-bearing load on the back of the thighs and decreasing the load on the buttocks. The ethafoam wedge also trims easily with a straight edge for individual needs.
4. Valve for Adjusting Air Volume
A two-way valve allows air in and out of the cushion, allowing for an individual fit every time. Begin with the cushion fully inflated. This can be done by weight-shifting laterally or unweighting the cushion by transferring off the cushion with the valve open. Next, close the valve. Sit on the cushion and open the valve, allowing air to escape. Close the valve when you are sitting on approximately 1/2" (13 mm) of air and foam. The more air that is let out, the more stable the cushion becomes. With repetition, this process will become second nature and provide the end-user with a perfect fit every time!
5. Cover
A regular mesh cover or incontinence cover for your convenience. Both covers offer four-way stretch and are washable and breathable. Reticulated foam is sewn into the covers to promote air circulation and improve pressure distribution while meeting the most stringent fire regulations. The underside of the cushion is made of a non-slip, rugged material with hook and loop sewn in for added security.