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Varilite Meridian Wave

Manufacturer: Varilite
Part Number: 7200XX
Retail Price: $546.00
Price: $437.00 Ea Extended Ship Times
$437.00    Add to Cart


AT VARILITE, innovation means superior solutions like our Wave Series of contoured bases for positioning support. Therapists now can combine Meridian dual-chamber, adjustable Air-Foam Floatation skin protection cushions with a solid positioning base. Three different Wave designs are available: CPW (Contoured Positioning Wedge), LPB (Lateral Positioning Base), and CPB (Contoured Positioning Base).

The Varilite Wave series of contoured closed-cell bases give therapists a choice of positioning support.

Wave CPW provides exceptional positioning of the lower extremities for enhanced sitting posture. Lateral thigh supports position the lower extremities and prevent unwanted abduction of the thighs. Medial thigh supports provides the correct amount of abduction to prevent unwanted adduction of the thighs. The Wave CPW increases the weight-bearing load on the back of the thighs and decreases the seat-to-back angle. The closed-cell CPW will not absorb fluid and is resistant to bacteria.

Wave LPB provides a sold base of support and a high degree of pelvic and lower extremity lateral positioning. Lateral pelvic supports, located posterior to the greater trochanters, provide lateral stability that maintains the pelvis in the center of the seat. Lateral thigh supports position the lower extremities and prevents unwanted abduction of the thighs. The Wave LPB provides a firm foundation for postural stability and discourages chair upholstery from slinging. The closed-cell LPB will not absorb fluid and is resistant to bacteria.

Wave CPB provides a solid base of support and a high degree of pelvic and lower extremity lateral and medial positioning. Lateral pelvic supports, located posterior to the greater trochanters, provide lateral stability that maintains the pelvis in the center of the seat. Lateral thigh supports position the lower extremities and prevents unwanted abduction of the thighs. Medial thigh supports provides the correct amount of abduction to prevent unwanted adduction of the thighs. The Wave LPB provides a firm foundation for postural stability and discourages chair upholstery from slinging. The closed-cell CPB will not absorb fluid and is resistant to bacteria.

Therapists recommend the Meridian for individuals with motor and neurological dysfunction due to spinal-cord injury, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and traumatic brain injury. Therapists value the integral pre-ischial ridge and wedge effect created by the Meridians dual chambers. User and caregivers value its low weight, comfort, and ease of use. No pumps or accessories. No kneading or manipulation.

VARILITE air-foam floatation, coupled with multi-stiffness foam, delivers superior pressure distribution. Functional areas of the Meridian are created by three types of foam: soft foam for the decubitus-sensitive area of the ITs; medium foam for the thigh trough, pelvic bucketing and pre-ischial bar; and firm foam for the perimeter and medial thigh separator. Valves release air to immerse the user in the foam, which conforms to the user and distributes the users weight over the surface of the cushion.

Front and rear chambers permit independent adjustment of the pelvis and thighs, quickly and easily, while the client is seated. The rear chamber allows maximum immersion of the pelvis for better pressure distribution. The front chamber allows maximum loading of the thighs which reduces pressure on the ITs. The Meridians dual-chambered design promotes a neutral pelvis position, especially important for clients prone to extensor tone or thrusting. The thigh and pelvic chambers form a pre-ischial ridge which prevents the ITs from sliding forward, preventing a posterior pelvic tilt and sacral sitting. Releasing more air from the pelvic chamber than the thigh chamber provides added postural support by creating dump or squeeze that holds the client in place.


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