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Urocare Finger Cots


Contour Lo-Back Wrap-Around Bath Support w/ Padding

Price Call for price Retail: $654
$525 Ea   *Base Price
Manufacturer UrocareInspired by Drive (Columbia Medical)

Finger Cots are are typically used by kitchen workers and others to cover cuts and open wounds while working, in order to prevent infection and the spread of disease. They are very useful for keeping bandages on an injured finger, especially for activities like typing. They can also be used by massage therapists to prevent massage lotions or oils from entering small cuts or abrasions on the fingers. Finger cots are especially important in areas of manufacturing during handling of small parts or components to prevent contamination by humans or where only protection of the fingers is necessary. These finger cots are tissue thin, but super tough. A high-quality, white latex assures a smooth finish, good sensitivity and a perfect fit.

The best test for good finger cots is that wearing them is like wearing nothing at all. They are also used to keep moisture and dirt out of cuts or stitches.

For children who are mildly involved and have head control. Provides a child needed torso support while in water for bathing or play. Use anywhere, bath tub, wading pool, television room, etc. Adjustability allows support to grow with the child. It is lightweight and compact for easy travel and storage.

Features • Cover cuts and open wounds while working
• Tissue thin, but super tough
• Helps prevent contamination
• Three (3) sizes
• Comes apart for easy storage and travel.
• Different size backs are interchangeable. Back sizes: Small, Medium, Low and High Backs.
• Free Rubber Ducky Included with every Columbia Wrap-Around Bath Support.
• Height adjustable back
• Mesh is bacteria and fungal resistant
• Rustproof PVC and stainless steel construction.
Specs Box Quantity: 144
Options • Size   *Required
• Size   *Required
• Accessories
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