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Plastic Base Utensil Holder


Quickie Padded Swing Away Armrest Bolt Kit - (Pair)

$34.05 Pk
Retail: $77
$61 Pr
Manufacturer Patterson MedicalQuickie / Sunrise Medical

Universal Built-Up Handle is ideal for individuals with arthritis or limited grasping ability. With this product, the user can self-feed and perform other activities of daily living with independence. It can be with utensils or everyday items such as pens, pencils, toothbrushes, crochet hooks, and knitting needles.

This is an ableware universal built up handle that comes in a pack of 4 to be added to all utensils or daily use items.

Quickie replacement swing away armrest 'sex bolt' kit. Sold in pairs, replaces both sides.

Replaces height adjustment bolt for Quickie wheelchair tubular swingaway armrests.

Features • Pack of 4
• Holds items up to 1" diameter
• Dishwasher safe
• Complete Kit
• Fits Quickie Tubular Arms
Specs Length: 3 5/8"
Holding Capacity: 1/4" - 1" Diameter
Handle Thickness: Approximately 1 3/4"
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