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Exacta Retractable Tape Measure - Box 10


Invacare Matrx Flovair Max Contour Cushion


Lantiseptic Skin Protectant - 4.5 oz. Jar


Reading Aid - Clip

$69.95 BX
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$16.95 Ea

$5.25 Ea
Manufacturer North Coast MedicalInvacareLantisepticDedicated Distribution

Made of extra-heavy, glazed cloth with a white, impact-resistant plastic case. Measure up to 60 inch (1.5 meters) with this durable, retractable tape measure. Measures in both inches and centimeters.

The Invacare Matrx Flovair Max Contour seat cushion was developed to provide pelvic stability, leg positioning, and pressure management for patients with postural asymmetry and skin integrity concerns. It incorporates a fluid overlay used in tandem with the ThinAir liner. This allows for pelvic immersion while minimizing overall product weight. The insert's unique channeling method limits the amount of fluid migration, thus decreasing the chances for "bottoming out." The Flovair is a great choice for neuromuscular, TBI, or SCI clients without significant obliquity.

Positioning Foam Base: Supports the pelvis and thighs; helps to prevent adduction and internal rotation.Fluid + ThinAir liner: Effectively redistributes pressure without the penalty of added weight. Additional shear reduction as two layers work in harmony.

Lantiseptic Original Skin Protectant is a high-lanolin formula which has become the product of choice in long- term care facilities for helping to prevent and treat a variety of minor skin irritations.

This emollient barrier ointment contains lanolin and petrolatum. Lantiseptic Original Skin Protectant provides long lasting protection and helps maintain skin integrity.

The folding clip on the Book Page Holder holds both the left and right sides of paperbacks and allows easy flipping of pages. Accommodates any thickness of paperback and, when folded, can be used as a bookmark.

Features • Extra-heavy, glazed cloth tape
• White, impact-resistant plastic case
• Durable, retractable tape measures up to 60" (1.5 m)
• Measures in both inches and centimeters
• Box contain 10 tape measures
• Positioning Foam Base
• Fluid + ThinAir liner
• Formulated to encourage the proper moisture balance of the skin
• Protect chafed or ulcer-prone skin, promote the healing of skin injuries and serve as a first aid treatment
• Holds both the left and right sides of paperbacks
• Makes it possible to read a paperback using one or no hands
• Also great as a bookmark or for compact storage
Specs   Seat Width: 16", 18" and 20"
Seat Depth: 16" and 18"
Weight: 4.2lbs.
Weight Capacity: 250lbs.
  strong, transparent plastic
Options   • Size (Actual cushion depth is 1" longer than stated depth due to cushion radius)   *Required
• Modifications
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