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RESOURCE ThickenUp Clear Instant Food Thickener


Medium Sandals

$21.95 Ea

$110 Ea   *Base Price
Manufacturer Nestle Clinical NutritionRifton Equipment

Clinically shown to improve swallowing safety by reducing the risk of aspiration compared to thin liquid in dysphagia patients. Remains clear - not cloudy.

Lump-free, tasteless, and odorless. Short waiting time - for many beverages, reaches desired consistency in just 5 minutes. Does not overthicken over time.

One consistent measurement (when mixed with 4 fl oz of liquid) 1 scoop = nectar, 2 scoops = honey, 3 scoops = pudding. More concentrated; less powder required than starch-based thickeners.

Sandals and Wedges lift or adjust the feet of the child. Configure them yourself with the unique "stack and latch" feature. Open the latches to reconfigure, then close each latch to secure the Wedge or Sandal.

Features • Easy-to-prepare in many types of liquids
• Made with xanthan gum
• Patented production process
Specs Packaging: 4.4oz Can
Appropriate for these diets: lactose-free, gluten-free, kosher
Options   • Wedges
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