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Danmar Swirl Collar


Pouchkins Pediatric Ostomy Belt


Quick 'N Easy Comfort Mattress


BD E-Z Scrub Sterile Scrub Brush w/o Detergent - Green - Disposable

Price Retail: $130.50
$108 Ea   *Base Price

$10.65 Ea
Retail: $253
$222 Ea

$40.20 BX
Manufacturer Danmar ProductsHollisterDrive MedicalCarefusion

This swirl of soft foam wraps around the neck and has an adjustable Velcro closure at the back, which makes fitting a breeze. Used for minor to moderate head support, this collar encourages easy movement from side-to-side. Because it is not attached, the Swirl can be used with any seating system and by individuals who are ambulatory. When properly fitted, the Swirl should make contact with the chin and jawline. We also offer foam plugs, which provide firmer support for clients who tend to lean in one direction or drop their head forward.

Security and confidence provided by use of high quality, reusable belt. Plastic connectors attach easily and securely to the belt tabs on the pouch. Comfortable for active children; made of high quality materials that can be washed without special precaution.

The Drive Medical Quick 'N Easy Comfort Mattress features innovative super compression technology that allows it to fit in a 37.5" x 14" x 14" box. This super-compact shipping carton is easy to carry and frees up space in delivery vehicles and warehouses. The Quick 'N Easy Comfort Mattress offers the utmost in comfort, safety and convenience. Its inner core is encased in fire retardant barrier, meeting regulation 16 CFR 1633. A non-slip bottom and 4 corner straps keep the mattress securely in place. Two carry handles on the side make lifting and placement easier.

BD E-Z Scrub products offer a wide range of antimicrobial formulations specifically designed to enhance performance while reducing irritation to the skin.

Features • Three Sizes
• Bathing/Swimming Allowable
• Durable high quality latex free polyurethane foam mattress
• Two side carry handles make lifting and placement easier
• Removable Nylon cover is fluid resistant, low shear and vapor permeable
• Non-slip bottom and 4 corner straps keep the mattress in place
• Ergonomic brush design allows greater user comfort and effectiveness, ultimately improving compliance.
• Soft sponge provides gentle cleaning on irritated areas or when firm mechanical action is not required.
• Proprietary polyethylene soft bristles enhance mechanical action while reducing skin irritation.
Specs Length: 1" - 1.7"
Dimensions: 80" x 36" x 6"
Options • Size:   *Required
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