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O2 Tubing Water Trap


Sterile Trachea Brush


Sani-Hands ALC Antimicrobial Alcohol Gel Hand Wipe


AirLife Omni-Flex Oxygen Connector

$3 Ea
Retail: $4.60
$4.20 Ea
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$2.60 Ea   *Base Price
Manufacturer Hudson RCI / TeleflexDeRoyalPDI (Professional Disposables)Carefusion

Collects moisture that can accumulate in O2 tubing. Accepts all standard and crush-resistant oxygen supply tubing.

Ideal for dental cleansing when sterility is required. Flexible 4.25" wire handle with 3.25" x 3.25 nylon bristles. 6" overall. Brush helps with maintaining and cleaning straight or curved trach tubes. Can be used to clean cannulas.

Sani-Hands Antimicrobial Non-woven cloth satured with ethyl alcohol gel solution for antiseptic cleansing of hands. Proven to remove bacteria and soil, killing 99.99% of germs in 15 seconds better than rub-in gels alone.Non-irritating and gentle on hands, moisturizes skin with Vitamin E, glycerin and aloe. It is a convenient and effective to use when soap and water arent available

Airlife connectors for Omni-Flex systems provide an additional length of tubing for vertical circuit for increased flexibility and mobility. Connects a patient's endotracheal or tracheostomy tube and ventilator circuit Y-connection or HME. Precision-molded tolerances to assure critical fits. Connectors expand from 5 cm to 6.5 cm. Latex-free.

Features     • For persistent antimicrobial activity against pathogenic organisms
Specs Length: 8"
Diameter: 1"
  Size: 6" x 7 .5"
Product 65.9% ethanol by volume
Fragrance: No Fragrance and dye free
Wipes per Tub 135
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