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Respironics OptiChamber Diamond Valved Holding Chamber


Tumble Forms Raised Roll 2"H x 4"W x 18"L

$40 Ea   *Base Price

$124 Ea
Manufacturer RespironicsTumble Forms 2

These holding chambers are designed to optimize delivery of metered dose inhaler (MDI) asthma medication by providing a more fine particle dose than an MDI alone. The 218 mL chambers provide greater fine particle dose output than other smaller chambers.

The detachable face masks are especially helpful in administering inhaler medication to infants, toddlers or other patients who may have difficulty using the mouthpiece. Masks come in three sizes. The replaceable silicone one-way valve prevents exhaled air from entering the chamber and facilitates cleaning, providing longer, trouble-free performance. OptiChamber chambers, masks and valves contain no latex.

Raised rolls offer the positioning options of conventional rolls with the stability of a wedge.

Roll shaped for bolster, side leaning, or prone positioning.

Options • Mask   *Required
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