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Small Sandals - Rifton Activity Chair


Rifton Small Hip Guides (Pair)


Rifton Small Chest Strap

$105 Pr   *Base Price

$235 Pr

$100 Ea
Manufacturer Rifton EquipmentRifton EquipmentRifton Equipment

Sandals and Wedges lift or adjust the feet of the child. Configure them yourself with the unique "stack and latch" feature. Open the latches to reconfigure, then close each latch to secure the Wedge or Sandal.

Hip guides provide a snug, comfortable fit giving the client security and safety.

Placed at the sides of the pelvis to align a clients torso, they provide maximum support of trunk control while sitting. Hip guides can also be important for proper alignment of the spine.

They independently adjust vertically and horizontally.

The chest strap provides added trunk support with its wide and comfortably padded strap. The chest strap is for clients without upper torso control who need extra support and security. Made from padded, anti-microbial, high performance material.

Options • Wedges
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