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Stealth Wheelchair Headrest Back Mount, 1/2" Bar Clamp


JAY Ion Cushion

$58 Ea
Retail: $462
$310 Ea   *Base Price
Manufacturer Stealth ProductsJay / Sunrise Medical

Stealth Seat Back headrest mount. Compatible with HMO400, HMO475, TWB485 and other 1/2" square bar headrests.

Mounts to wheelchair solid backrests. Ottobock Style Bolt Pattern for Seat Back Mount.

The JAY Ion wheelchair cushions are designed with the benefits of both skin protection and positioning in a lightweight, comfortable design.

The JAY Ion cushion incorporates an antimicrobial outer cover, a moisture resistant inner cover and a dual layer foam base.

Jay Ion wheelchair cushions can accommodate various user weights: ( 300 pounds for 14" to 21" widths and 500 pounds for 22" to 24" widths.)

The JAY Ion's inner cover features specially coated anti-wicking seam thread to prevent moisture from wicking through the seam holes.

The inner moisture-resistant polyurethane-coated cover is made with Lycra.

Wheelchair cushions's inner foam is not the only place odors are a problem, the Ion's outer X-static cover is impregnated with silver. Silver helps eliminate bacteria and also binds with ammonia and denatured proteins to accelerate the odor reduction process.

The firmness of each JAY Ion cushion is determined by the user's width. It makes little sense for a lightweight user to sit on a stiff cushion, or a heavy user to sit on a overly soft cushion. For this reason, narrow JAY Ion cushions are less firm, and wide JAY Ion wheelchair cushions are more firm.

Features   • Moisture-Resist-Inner Liner
• Antimicrobial Cover
• 14 - 24 in. Width
Specs Bolt Pattern: Ottobock Pattern
Bar Clamp Size: 1/2" Square
Mounting Hardware: Includes screws
Width Range: 14" - 24"
Depth Range: 14" - 24"
Product Weight: 3.5 lbs
Height: 4"
Weight Capacity: 14" - 21" Widths - 300 lbs
22" - 24" Widths - 500 lbs
Options   • Cushion Size ( Width x Depth )   *Required
• Extra Cover
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