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Standard Seat Riser with Removable Arms


Raised Toilet Seat with Lock


Elongated Seat Riser with Removable Arms


Raised Toilet Seat with Lock and Lid

Price Retail: $102
$81 Ea
Retail: $72
$63 Ea   *Base Price
Retail: $135
$88 Ea
Retail: $80
$65 Ea
Manufacturer Drive MedicalDrive MedicalDrive MedicalDrive Medical

This premium seat rizer by Drive Medical is the perfect addition to any standard toilet. It includes removable arms that are molded into the rizer but can be removed without a hassle. The arms feature rubberized grips for added comfort and provide support while standing up or sitting down. The composite construction gives the rizer a contemporary look without skimping on durability. For consumers using a wheelchair tool free removable arms allow for easy transfer to and from the raised toilet seat. The product easily attaches to any standard toilet without tools.

This raised white toilet seat by Drive Medical attaches tool-free to your existing toilet bowl. It is easily secured and features two rear locks that ensure the seat won't slip. A pair of hygiene cutouts provide maximum convenience during use. This dependable product is also as easy to clean as it is simple to use. The elevated seat will help individuals who need a boost sitting down or standing up from the toilet. For consumers using a wheelchair this product allows for easy transfer to and from the raised toilet seat.

Premium Seat Riser with Removable Arms is designed for individuals who have difficulty sitting down, or getting up from the toilet. The unit allows the individual to use their existing toilet seat and lid. The Premium Seat Riser has Tool Free removable arms which can be removed or added whenever needed.

Arm sleeves and receivers are durable and easily removed. Constructed of heavy-duty molded plastic provides exceptional strength and durability for a longer usable life. The unit is lightweight and portable. The Premium Seat Riser with Removable Arms easily attaches to the toilet bowl and no tools are required for installation. The unit is easy to clean and fits most toilets.

This raised toilet seat with lid by Drive Medical is designed to increase the height of your existing toilet seat. This model provides maximum comfort and support. It easily attaches tool-free to your toilet and locks in place using two rear locks. A pair of hygiene cutouts provide convenience and allows the product to be cleaned. The elevated seat will help individuals who need a boost sitting down or standing up from the toilet. For consumers using a wheelchair this product allows for easy transfer to and from the raised toilet seat. This product is protected by a limited lifetime warranty.

*Fits Standard Round Toilets.

Features • Use existing toilet seat and lid
• Arm sleeves and receivers are made of metal
• Lightweight and portable
• Heavy-duty molded plastic construction
• Easily attaches to toilet bowl
• No tools required for installation
• Easy to clean
• Heavy-duty molded plastic construction
• Locking device with larger, heavy-duty "worm screw" and locking plate for a safe, secure fit
• Lightweight and portable
• Fits most toilets
• No tools required for installation
• Easy-to-clean
• Elongated Shape
• Tool-free arms are 19.75" apart and can be removed or added as needed
• Lightweight and portable
• Use existing toilet seat and lid
• No tools required for installation
• Easy to clean
• Comes with a lid
• Heavy-duty molded plastic construction
• Lightweight and portable
• Fits standard round toilets
• No tools required for installation
• Locking device with larger, heavy-duty "worm screw" and locking plate for a safe, secure fit
• Easy-to-clean
Specs Seat (Width): 14"
Seat (Depth): 19"
Seat (Height): 3.5"
Width Between Arms: 19"
Weight: 3.4 lbs
Seat (Width): 14"
Seat (Depth): 16"
Seat (Height) for model 12066: 6"
Seat (Height) for model RTL12064: 4"
Product Weight for model RTL12064: 2.2 lbs
Product Weight for model 12066: 3.3 lbs
Seat (Height): 3.5"
Seat (Width): 14"
Seat (Depth): 19"
Weight: 4.5 lbs
Weight Capacity: 300 lbs
Warranty: Limited Lifetime
Seat (Width): 14"
Seat (Depth): 16"
Seat (Height): 4"
Weight: 3.1 lbs
Options   • Height   *Required
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