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OptiFlex S Shoulder CPM Machine


OptiFlex 3 Knee Continuous Passive Motion Unit

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Manufacturer ChattanoogaChattanooga

OptiFlex S Shoulder CPM. Designed to provide anatomical motion for the shoulder with enhanced patient comfort, compliance and more beneficial outcomes. Addresses full range of motion capabilities. Just one look at the OptiFlex S tells you how different it really is. Gone is the clunky, outdated shoulder CPM of the past. A compact, self-contained unit that can be folded up for easy transport, the OptiFlex S offers maximum usability for patients in the hospital or at home.

Designed to provide anatomical motion for the shoulder with enhanced patient comfort, compliance and more beneficial outcomes. Addresses full range of motion capabilities. Easy-to-use hand control for storing treatment data on memory chip card. Fully synchronized motors allow treatment parameters to be customized to meet patient's specific therapy protocols. Ergonimic rest for healthy arm and fully adjustable chair. Patented Universial Left/Right Shoulder design.

OptiFlex - The first real innovation in CPM in a decade! The sleek design of the OptiFlex 3 CPM is therapeutically functional as well as appealing to the eye. The ultra-wide carriage is designed to accommodate the typical knee replacement patient, athletes and pediatric patients. Designed to provide anatomical motion for CPM Knee Patients from Pediatric to Adult.

Includes Patient Kit, context sensitive help and a multiple language interface. Built-in carry handle. On-board power supply along with surface mount electronics to maximize reliability. Force Reversal safety feature lets you safely set amount of passive force without causing unnecessary post-surgical pain.

Features • Folds easily for transport/shipping
• Lightweight design
• Includes patient data card and erasable pen
• Ultra wide carriage - 11" (28 cm) from center of carriage
• Independent delay time
• Patient lockout feature
• Universal Left / Right Design
• Easy-to-read backlit display
• Patient compliance/usage meter
• Quick conversion from adult to pediatric
Specs   Range of Motion: Hyper Extension: -10° Flexion: 120°
Pauses: 0 - 30 Seconds
Speed: 30 - 150° Min
Force Reversal: 35 - 75 lbs
Patient Usage: Left / Right Universal
Weight: 27lbs. (12 kg)
Length: 37" (94 cm)
Power Input: 100-240v, 50/60 Hz, 75VA
Box Size: 41" x 17" x 10" (approx)
Weight Capacity: 350 lbs (159 kg)
Options • Accessories
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