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Mechanical Pinch Gauge - 30 lbs (14 kg) Dial Gauge


Hydraulic Push-Pull Dynamometer - 250 lbs (113 kg) Dial Gauge


Hydraulic Push-Pull Dynamometer - 50 lbs (23 kg) Digital Gauge


Hydraulic Push-Pull Dynamometer - 250 lbs (113 kg) Digital Gauge

$425 Ea

$1,675 Ea   *Base Price

$2,999 Ea

$3,499 Ea
Manufacturer JamarPerformance HealthPerformance HealthPerformance Health

Measures tip, key and palmar pinch strength of healthy hands. Results are consistent with the published Mathiowetz studies. Indicator remains at the subjects maximum reading until reset. Strength readings in pounds and kilograms. Lightweight anodized aluminum with wrist strap and carrying case. Registers up to 30 pounds (14 kg).

The Baseline push-pull dynamometer can be used for both muscle strength testing and functional workplace evaluations.

A swivel hook attachment is included to facilitate testing. Optional SurGrip handles (single and dual grip) are available for use when measuring large forces. Registers up to 250 pounds (113 kg).

Baseline Electronic Push/Pull Dynamometer is a superior load cell force management taking 30 readings per second, rugged aluminum housing, separate peak memory for push and pull results. It features auto-shut off, pushbutton calibration, and an LCD display in pounds, kilograms or newtons. The set includes: three padded attachments and a single handle for push tests, a hook and double handles set for pulling and lifting tests, a 9-volt battery, an AC adapter plastic carrying case, and a user's manual. Registers up to 50 pounds (23 kg).

Baseline Electronic Push/Pull Dynamometer is a superior load cell force management taking 30 readings per second, rugged aluminum housing, separate peak memory for push and pull results. It features auto-shut off, pushbutton calibration, and an LCD display in pounds, kilograms or newtons. The set includes: three padded attachments and a single handle for push tests, a hook and double handles set for pulling and lifting tests, a 9-volt battery, an AC adapter plastic carrying case, and a user's manual. Registers up to 250 pounds (113 kg).

Features • Measures tip, key and palmar pinch strength of healthy hands
• Lightweight anodized aluminum with wrist strap
• Measures in pounds and kilograms
• Used for muscle strength testing and functional workplace evaluations
• Swivel hook attachment included
• Optional Dual Grip handle available
• Dial Gauge
• Used for muscle strength testing and functional workplace evaluations
• Swivel hook attachment included
• Optional SurGrip handles available
• Digital Gauge
• For muscle strength testing and functional workplace evaluations
• Swivel hook attachment included
• Registers up to 250 lbs (113 kg)
Options   • Optional Handle
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