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Bubble Inclinometer


Hydraulic Push-Pull Dynamometer - 100 lbs (45 kg) Digital Gauge


Functional Lift Platform with 5' Chain - Large Base

$125 Ea

$2,999 Ea

$359 Ea
Manufacturer JamarPerformance HealthPatterson Medical

Accurately measures range of motion. Inclinometer measurement techniques have been codified and appear in the AMA Guide to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, third edition.

Place the baseline bubble inclinometer near the joint to be measured: turn dial until scale reads 0; take joint through its range; read range traveled directly from dial. Numerous neck and back measurements require the simultaneous use of 2 inclinometers.

Baseline Electronic Push/Pull Dynamometer is a superior load cell force management taking 30 readings per second, rugged aluminum housing, separate peak memory for push and pull results. It features auto-shut off, pushbutton calibration, and an LCD display in pounds, kilograms or newtons. The set includes: three padded attachments and a single handle for push tests, a hook and double handles set for pulling and lifting tests, a 9-volt battery, an AC adapter plastic carrying case, and a user's manual. Registers up to 100 pounds (45 kg).

These accessories are designed to be used with a Baseline Hydraulic Push/Pull Dynamometer so that you are able to better determine the users force and push/pull ability. It is available in both a large or regular sized floor base, includes a 5 foot chain and is designed to be used for clinical use. The large floor base is 24 x 24.

Features • Measures range of motion
• Numerous neck and back measurements require the simultaneous use of 2 inclinometers
• 1° increments of measurement
• Pocket size
• Used for muscle strength testing and functional workplace evaluations
• Swivel hook attachment included
• Digital Gauge
• Measure strength of the back, leg and chest muscle groups
• 5 foot chain length
• Large base for sure footing
• Compatible with Baseline Hydraulic Push/Pull Dynamometers
• Includes one snap oval and one threaded oval
Specs Dimensions: 5 x 1 x 5 inches
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