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OptiFlex Hi-Lo Knee CPM Trolley


Motion Concepts Mini Set Hardware - Standard

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$225 Pr
Manufacturer ChattanoogaInvacare

The OptiFlex Hi-Lo Trolley is a multifunctional CPM trolley designed to transport, position and store the OptiFlex Knee CPM. The Trolley is lightweight, easy to roll and position in a patients bed. Positioned in a patients bed, the OptiFlex Knee CPM Trolley will allow you to position the OptiFlex at the angle best suited for the patient. Adjustable height from 18.25" to 28"

Motion Concepts Mini-Set quick release hardware fits all E2 Series backrests. Specifically for E2 series backs < 18" tall.

Not compatible with PB, PBD, or Elite Series backrests.

Specs Length: 24" (61 cm)
Width: 28" (71.1 cm)
Height: 35" (88.9 cm)
Weight: 20lbs. (9.07 kg)
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