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EasyStand Bantam Small Packaged Standing Frame


EasyStand Zing MPS TT Size 2 Package Standing Frame

Price Retail: $5,751
$4,790 Ea   *Base Price
Retail: $8,412
$6,898 Ea   *Base Price
Manufacturer Altimate Medical - Easy StandAltimate Medical - Easy Stand

The EasyStand Bantam Small Standing Frame Packages are thoughtfully designed to provide three distinct levels of support, ensuring optimal postural stability, comfort, and ease of use for children with varying mobility needs.

Each package is meticulously crafted based on clinical recommendations to address the unique positioning and support requirements at different levels of assistance. These pre-configured packages integrate the most commonly prescribed components, streamlining the selection process for caregivers and therapists while ensuring that each child receives the appropriate level of postural control and weight-bearing support.

With a strong emphasis on customized positioning, safety, and adjustability, the EasyStand Bantam Small allows for smooth transitions between sitting and standing, promoting early intervention, improved circulation, and musculoskeletal development. These standing frames are ideal for children with a range of physical disabilities, including those with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and spinal cord injuries.

The Easystand Zing MPS Supine TT provides enhanced comfort with a larger upper body support pad, offering a seamless transition from 20 degrees prone to full supine positioning. This system allows for efficient movement from a 20-degree prone position to full supine in a single step, improving ease of use for healthcare providers.

The Zing packaged units are designed for simple ordering, ensuring you receive the exact level of positioning support needed. These units come with the most popular options, providing flexibility and customization to meet the unique requirements of each patient or clinical setting.

Options • Bantam Small Package   *Required
• Zing Support Package   *Required
• Assembly Options
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