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Nail Clipper Board


E-Z Reach Supp-A-Sert Suppository Inserter


Dr. Joseph's Original Footbrush


E-Z Reach Digi-A-Sert Digital Bowel Stimulator

$64 Ea

$131 Ea

$44 Ea

$111 Ea
Manufacturer North Coast MedicalTherafinNorth Coast MedicalTherafin

The North Coast Medical Nail Clipper Board is a great device for those with limited hand mobility or joint pain, especially from arthritis. It securely attaches a standard-sized nail clipper to a plastic base, providing the user with an easy and ergonomic way to keep hands and nails trimmed. The board is also perfect for people with decreased pinching ability.

Two suction cup feet firmly adhere to any surface, and give the user the assurance that the board will not slip away while in use. Its small size of 4 x 2 also makes it convenient to store and use.

The Nail Clipper Board by North Coast Medical provides an interesting and practical solution to keeping nails and hands groomed. Its small size and firm adherence to surfaces make it easy and comfortable to use without the hassle of having to hold it in place all the time. The sturdy construction guarantees a longer lasting product and ensures the user that their safety, comfort, and hygiene needs are all addressed.

The E-Z Reach Supp-A-Sert Suppository Inserter from Therafin is an excellent tool for self-care hygiene aids. This product features a unique spring-loaded tip to ensure that the suppository can only be expelled once it has been inserted to the perfect depth each time. It has a 4 1/2 inch reach which makes it suitable for both right and left hand use. It also features a handle which can securely attach to a flail hands with a comfortable vinyl strap, making it ideal for those with limited mobility. The inserter is designed for use on an elevated toilet seat, and you can rest assured that it will perform as expected every time.

The E-Z Reach Supp-A-Sert Suppository Inserter provides everything you need for effective and safe bowel management. It is fast and easy to use, and its reliable spring-loaded tip ensures that your suppositories are always inserted at the right depth. If you're looking for a self-care hygiene aid that you can trust, then the E-Z Reach Supp-A-Sert Suppository Inserter is the perfect choice.

Ideal for people who have difficulty bending and reaching their feet. This brush has a unique, wedge-tipped sponge for cleaning between toes. Sponge measures 1" x 2-1/2" (2.5 x 6.4 cm), and can be replaced as needed. Soft, nylon-bristled scrub brush measures 3-3/4" (9.5 cm) long. Total length of the footbrush is 25-1/2" (65 cm). Two sponges are included.

The E-Z Reach Digi-A-Sert Digital Bowel Stimulator from Therafin is an efficient and comfortable therapy aid for bowel management. It features a comfortable vinyl strap to accommodate a flail hand, and can be used with both the right and left hands. The Digi-Sert technology includes a diameter tapered Delrin tip with a moveable retaining washer that adjusts for depth of penetration, providing users with more control over the process.

The E-Z Reach Bowel Stimulator has a 4.5 reach, while its ergonomic handle design allows for secure and easy operation. Its lightweight construction helps to reduce fatigue and makes it suitable for use on an elevated toilet seat. The design is also tailored to comfortably fit into the users hand, making for an easy grip during each application.

The E-Z Reach Digi-A-Sert Digital Bowel Stimulator is a reliable and effective solution that simplifies the process of bowel management. Its reliable and efficient design provides the user with a comfortable and secure experience with each use. With its simple and intuitive operation, the Digi-Sert technology ensures a safe and efficient process each time.

Features • Standard size nail clipper is securely attached to a plastic base
• Suction cup feet firmly adhere to surfaces
• Ideal for people with arthritis or limited pinching ability
• Perfect depth everytime
• Right or left hand use
• 4 1/2" reach
• Ideal for people who have difficulty bending and reaching their feet
• Unique, wedge-tipped sponge for cleaning between toes
• Two sponges are included
• Right or left hand use
• Comfortable strap system
• 4 1/2" reach
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