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Focus CR

Focus Cr

Name: Focus CR: Focus / Flip / Arc Composite Angle Adjustable Footplate
Manufacturer: Ki Mobility
Focus / Flip / Arc Composite Angle Adjustable Footplate parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

If changing to Composite Angle Adjustable Footplates, new extension tubes are required. Sizes for footplates are based on seat width with straight frame; if Tilt chair has Offset Frame, add 2" to seat width Only compatible with extension tube hangers.
Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
2 - 5 503726 Extension Tube Hardware Assembly for Composite Angle Adjustable Footplate- Used only for Extension Tube Mount Hangers for Pro ELR assembly please go to Pro ELR PM page.
1a 003173 Composite Angle Adjustable Footplate Small 15-16" Wide
1b 003174 Composite Angle Adjustable Footplate Medium 17-18" Wide
1c 003175 Composite Angle Adjustable Footplate Large 19-24" Wide
2 003188 Washer D8.4 x 1.6 MM
3 003189 Bolt M8 x 45MM, Galvanized Steel
4 003187 Locking Wheel w/Radius, R12.5 & R10, D30 x 11.3, Cast Steel, Black
5 003186 Locking Wheel w/Hexagon, D30 x 6.8/6, Cast Steel, Black