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Rogue ALX (Formerly Tsunami)

Rogue Alx (formerly Tsunami)

Name: Rogue ALX (Formerly Tsunami): Rigid Fold Down Push Handle
Manufacturer: Ki Mobility
Rigid Fold Down Push Handle parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Tension Straps are used with the combination of Fold Down Push Handle Tension Adjustable or Padded Hook and Loop Adjustable Back Upholstery. Straps are based on chair width. Not available with Heavy Duty Option
Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1, 2a, 3, 4, 5 110667 Fold Down Push Handle Assembly, 6.38", RG ALX/LW XP- Used with fixed height backrest with any back height or with height adjustable backrest with short back height range. Includes both 5a and 5b.
1, 2b, 3, 4, 5 110668 Fold Down Push Handle Assembly, 6.55", RG ALX/LW XP- Used with height adjustable backrest with medium back height range. Included both 5a and 5b.
1, 2c, 3, 4, 5 110669 Fold Down Push Handle Assembly, 10.55", RG ALX/LW XP- Used with height adjustable backrest with tall back height range. Includes both 5a and 5b.
1 001735 Folding Handle Assembly Rigid- This is to replace an existing Fold Down Push Handle. If wanting to change to the Fold Down Push Handle, order one of the following complete assemblies: 110667, 110668, 110669
2a 001754 Fold Down Push Handle Tube, 6.38", Rigid- Used with fixed height backrest with any back height or with height adjustable backrest with short back height range
2b 109097 Fold Down Push Handle Tube, 6.55", Rigid- Used with height adjustable backrest with medium back height range
2c 109098 Fold Down Push Handle Tube, 10.55", Rigid- Used with height adjustable backrest with tall back height range
3 100669 M5 x 10 BTN SHCS BLKZC w/Patch
4 000073 M5 x 24 Threaded Barrel
5a 100734 M5 x 16 PHMS ZC- Used to attach Fold Down Push Handle
5b 101843 M5 x 20 SHCS Blk Zn- Used to attach upholstery
6a 001748 Tension Strap Folding Handle 9-11 Wide
6b 001749 Tension Strap Folding Handle 12-13 Wide
6c 001750 Tension Strap Folding Handle 14-15 Wide
6d 001751 Tension Strap Folding Handle 16-17 Wide
6e 001752 Tension Strap Folding Handle 18-19 Wide
6f 001753 Tension Strap Folding Handle 20-22 Wide