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Custom Seating

Name: Custom Seating: Cs-07-back Step 7 Select Attachment Hdwr Snap On Upper(6 Of 8)
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Cs-07-back     Step 7 Select Attachment Hdwr Snap On Upper(6 Of 8) parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1 CS-07-9977 1" PINLOCK FLUSH NO TNG STOP N/A EA Please Call
1 CS-07-9982 1" PINLOCK FLUSH NO TNG SHLK N/A EA Please Call
1 CS-07-9988 1" PINLOCK FLUSH OMIT STOP N/A EA Please Call
1 CS-07-9990 7/8" PINLOCK FLUSH NO TNG STOP N/A EA Please Call
1 CS-07-9992 7/8" PINLOCK FLUSH NO TNG SHLK N/A EA Please Call
1 CS-07-9994 7/8" PINLOCK FLUSH OMIT STOP N/A EA Please Call
1 CS-07-9978 1" PINLOCK 1" DROP NO TNG STOP N/A EA Please Call
1 CS-07-9983 1" PINLOCK 1" DROP NO TNG SHLK N/A EA Please Call
1 CS-07-9989 1" PINLOCK 1" DROP OMIT STOP N/A EA Please Call
1 CS-07-9991 7/8"PINLOCK 1"DROP NO-TNG STOP N/A EA Please Call
1 CS-07-9993 7/8"PINLOCK 1"DROP NO-TNG SHLK N/A EA Please Call
1 CS-07-9995 7/8" PINLOCK 1" DROP OMIT STOP N/A EA Please Call
2 CS-07-9986 1" ZIPPIE SNAP STYLE OMIT STOP N/A EA Please Call
3 CS-07-9976 1" RECT PIN MNT NO TNG STOP N/A EA Please Call
3 CS-07-9981 1" RECT PIN MNT NO TNG SHLK N/A EA Please Call
3 CS-07-9987 1" RECT PIN MNT OMIT STOP N/A EA Please Call
4 CS-07-9975 1" MT HK W/PIN NO TNG STOP N/A EA Please Call
4 CS-07-9980 1" HK W/PIN NO TNG SHLK N/A EA Please Call
4 CS-07-9985 1" HK W/PIN OMIT STOP N/A EA Please Call
5 CS-07-9974 1" JCF SNAP STYLE NO-TNG STOP N/A EA Please Call
5 CS-07-9979 1" JCF SNAP STYLE NO-TNG SHLK N/A EA Please Call
5 CS-07-9984 1" JCF SNAP STYLE OMIT STOP N/A EA Please Call