Quickie 7r/7rs
Name: Quickie 7r/7rs: Compact Wheel Lock - Direct Mount
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
NOTE: In order to mount the Compact Wheel Lock for the Ultra Lite package on, three rivnuts must exist on the underside of the frame rail. If they are not there a new frame must be ordered to add this option.
Pos. | Part # | Description | Remarks | Price | UOM | Buy |
2 | 102259-002 | BHCS M5 X .8 X 20 W/PL INORG |
EA |
1A, 2 | 159479 | CMPCT WHLLCK LW STD KIT LFT- Left | Left |
EA |
1A, 2 | 159480 | CMPCT WHLLCK LW STD KIT RT- Right | Right |
EA |
1B, 2 | 159481 | CMPCT WHLLCK LW FRT MT KIT LFT- Left | Left |
EA |
1B, 2 | 159482 | CMPCT WHLLCK LW FRT MT KIT RT- Right | Right |
EA |