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Quickie Pulse (w/ S/n Prefixpls6a Thru Pls6c)

Name: Quickie Pulse (w/ S/N Prefixpls6a Thru Pls6c): Pulse Wiring (s/n Prefix Pls6c)
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Pulse  Wiring (s/n Prefix Pls6c) parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

NOTE: Chairs with Switch Box refer to: 4 Way Switch with 3 Axis Control page.
Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1 111438-020 HARN VR2 DRIVE THRU ACT 200mm- Used w/ thru drive chairs only(Controller Actuator port to Item #6)
2 101626 CONTROLLER HARNESS- Used w/ VR2 chairs only(Controller to Joystick or Omni)
3A 020063-070 HARNESS ACTUATOR 700mm DELPHI- Connects Tilt to Base Tilt Harness (item #6)
3B 020063-100 MOTORKABEL 1000mm- Connects Tilt to 3-axis drives
3C 020063-160 MOTORKABEL 1600mm- Connects legrests to 3-axis drives
4A 108316-050 HARNESS R-NET BUS 500mm- RNET Ext to Dist Block ASAP 10-13" deep seat, Dist Block to ISM, Dist Block to Bluetooth
4B 108316-120 HARNESS R-NET BUS 1200mm- Ext to Dist Block w/o Tilt/Lift Combo on ASAP 10-13" deep seat, Dist Block to Omni or Short Lead Joystick
4C 108316-030 HARNESS R-NET BUS 300mm- Power Mod to Bluetooth, Dist Block or ISM to IOM if not Power Recline
4D 108316-100 HARNESS R-NET BUS 1000mm- Ext to Dist Block with Tilt/Lift Combo, Dist Block to Omni or Short Lead Joystick with ASAP 10-13" deep seat, Dist Block to Attendant
5A 108557-050 HARN RNET BUS EXTENSION 500mm- Base to Seating without Tilt
5B 108557-100 HARN RNET BUS EXTENSION 1000mm- Base to Seating with Tilt used with Tilt except with Legrests or Power Recline
6 104977-020 HARN ADPT ACT TO VR2 200mm- Used on all Tilt chairs except switch driven Tilt/ELR
6 119301-060 HARN ACTUATOR ADAPTER 600mm- Used on all Lift chairs N/A EA Please Call
7 - 9 164136 BATTERY HARN 100A KIT- All battery types
10A 116467 HARN INHBT 3 TLT/LFT- Use before S/N PLSC-125063; used with Non-Lift chairs or Non-Tilt chairs without Lift (Plugs into Motor Controller)
10B 243299 HARN INHBT3 TLT/LFT- Use after S/N PLSC-125063; used with Non-Lift chairs or Non-Tilt chairs without Lift (Plugs into Motor Controller)
11A 247543 HARNESS BOOT POS- Red
11B 247544 HARNESS BOOT NEG- Black
12 249005 15A MINI FUSE
13 108278-150 HARN PGDRIVES ACTUATOR 1500mm- Power Legs to ISM-Right
13 111564-150 HARN PGDRIVES ACTUATOR 1500mm- Power Legs to ISM-Left (except for Power Recline chairs)
13 111564-160 HARN PGDRIVES ACTUATOR 1600mm- Power Legs to ISM-Left (on Power Recline chairs)
13 124934-035 ISM ACTUATOR HARNESS - 350mm -14 " (A-3 LABEL)- ISM to Recline Sheer Act Narrow Back Power Recline N/A EA Please Call
14 124913 RECLINE HARNESS WITH LEVEL SWITCH- ISM to Recline Actuator Narrow Back Power Recline N/A EA Please Call
16 130803 HARN, RNET BUS SPLITTER- Used with CTRL+5 with Joystick, Omni and Attendant
17 127694-085 HARN MANUAL TILT 850mm- Used with Manual Tilt N/A EA Please Call
18 108309-120 HARN ACT WITH PGD INHIBIT-1200- Used with Tilt with ISM
19B 243300 INHIBIT 5 SHORTING PLUG- Use after S/N PLSC-125063; used with ISM without Tilt
20 127318 HARN BASE TLC THRU DRIVE- Used with Tilt/Lift Combo on ZM-310 with VR2 N/A EA Please Call