Quickie Q7
Name: Quickie Q7: Xtender Retro Fit Parts (7 Series)
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Note: The Yamaha Xtender is not transit approved and can not be added to a chair that is transit approved.Note: retro kit hardware 158647 is used for chairs with s/n after R4-023230.Note: Xtender Retro Fit Parts (7 Series) is discontinued; for complete assembly, see GEN 2 XTENDER RETRO FIT PARTS (7 SERIES) parts page.
Pos. | Part # | Description | Remarks | Price | UOM | Buy |
1 | 158647 | 4X XTENDER RETRO FIT HDW Q7- Required to retro fit | Required to retro fit |
EA |
2 | 114440 | ANTI TIP REC Q7 KIT- 2 required if no anti-tips on chair | 2 required if no anti-tips on chair |
EA |
3 | 104221-004S | ANTI TIP ARM MED RGT- Right; required to retro fit | Right; required to retro fit |
EA |
3 | 104221-003S | ANTI TIP ARM MED LFT- Left; required to retro fit | Left; required to retro fit |
EA |
4 | 104640 | ANTI TIP ARM ADJ. LONG- Required to retro fit | Required to retro fit |
EA |
5 | 128077S | CAMBER PLUG 0 DEG XTENDER- 2 required if replacing on chair with 3 or 6 degree camber | 2 required if replacing on chair with 3 or 6 degree camber |
EA |