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Little Wave Arc

Little Wave Arc

Name: Little Wave Arc: Composite Footplate
Manufacturer: Ki Mobility
Composite Footplate parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Sizes for footplates are based on seat width with straight frame; if Tilt chair has Offset Frame, add 2" to seat width. If changing footplate style, new extension tubes may be needed. Only compatible with extension tube hangers.
Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
2 - 4 112895 Hardware Assembly for Composite Footplate
1a 100537 Footplate Composite 14-15" Wide CAT/TILT
1b 100540 Footplate Composite 16-17" Wide CAT/TILT
1c 100542 Footplate Composite 18-24" Wide CAT/TILT
2 000053 Saddle 3/4"
3 101849 M6 x 65 SHCS Blk Zn
4 100658 M6 Nylock Nut Blk Zn