Rogue Alx (formerly Tsunami)
Name: Rogue ALX (Formerly Tsunami): (discontinued) Rogue Style Transit Backrest Option On Rogue Alx (formerly Tsunami)
Manufacturer: Ki Mobility
Manufacturer: Ki Mobility
This Transit setup is used with the Rogue Style Locking Backrest
For all backrest hardware options, please see Rogue Style Locking Backrest Mount and Hardware on Rogue ALX page
Not available with Heavy Duty Option
Pos. | Part # | Description | Remarks | Price | UOM | Buy |
1 - 7 | 109635 | Transit Bracket Retrofit Kit for Rogue Style Backrest with Standard Caster Mounts, RG ALX- Not available with Heavy Duty Option. This kit is a complete retrofit, containing a pair of front and rear transit brackets and hardware. | Not available with Heavy Duty Option. This kit is a complete retrofit, containing a pair of front and rear transit brackets and hardware. |
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2 | 101708 | M6 x 14 BTN SHCS BLKZC w/Patch |
3a | 003232 | M6 x 55 BHCS Blk Zc- Used when bolt goes through the tower and frame only. Also used when bolt goes through the frame, back bracket and back saddles. | Used when bolt goes through the tower and frame only. Also used when bolt goes through the frame, back bracket and back saddles. |
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3b | 107138 | M6 x 65, BHCS, P/THD BLZ- Used when bolt goes through the tower, frame, back bracket and back saddle | Used when bolt goes through the tower, frame, back bracket and back saddle |
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3c | 101781 | M6 x 50mm Partial Thread BHCS Blk ZC- Used when bolt goes through the frame, back bracket and back saddle | Used when bolt goes through the frame, back bracket and back saddle |
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4 | 109564 | Back Bracket with Transit and Hook Label, Black, Rigid |
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5 | 003715 | Back Saddle 1 3/8" Tube |
6 | 003716 | Saddle 1 3/8" Tube |
7 | 100658 | M6 Nylock Nut Blk Zn |
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