Breezy Ec (easy Care) 2000 / 2000hd / 3000 / 4000 / Transport
Name: Breezy EC (Easy Care) 2000 / 2000HD / 3000 / 4000 / Transport: Easy Care Elevating Leg Rest
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Note: in order to add ELR's to a chair equipped with a 2" Seat Extension, Low Profile ELR's must be utilized.Note: item 3 (p/n GEY-TIN) to be installed on top of hanger pins to prevent hanger removal.
Pos. | Part # | Description | Remarks | Price | UOM | Buy |
1, 2A | GEY-ELRCN | K4 COMPOSITE ELRS'S- Pair-Composite Footplate, Nylon Calf Pad | Pair-Composite Footplate, Nylon Calf Pad |
EA |
1, 2B | GEY-ELRA | ELR W/ALUMINUM FOOTPLATES- Pair-Aluminum Footplate, Vinyl Calf Pad | Pair-Aluminum Footplate, Vinyl Calf Pad | N/A | EA | Please Call |
2A | GEY-CALFN | EC NYLON CALF PAD | N/A | EA | Please Call | |
EA |
3 | GEY-TIN | ONE PAIR TINNERMAN NUTS- Pair; used with 2000, 2000HD, 3000 & 4000 | Pair; used with 2000, 2000HD, 3000 & 4000 | N/A | EA | Please Call |