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loadingLoading... Zippie 2 - Z2a (Chairs w/ S/N Prefix Z2a and Some Z2 Prefix's SEe Frame Pages For Details)

Zippie 2 - Z2a (chairs W/ S/n Prefix Z2a And Some Z2 Prefix's See Frame Pages For Details)

Name: Zippie 2 - Z2a (Chairs w/ S/N Prefix Z2a and Some Z2 Prefix's SEe Frame Pages For Details): High Pressure Clincher Tire
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
High Pressure Clincher Tire parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1 385280S 22" x 1" HI PRES CLINCHER- 22" (501mm)
1 389020S 24" x 1" HI PRES CLNCHR TIRE- 24" (540mm)
1 389012S QP 24" x 1" HT TURB BLK WR/BD 559- 25" (559mm)
1 389030S 26" x 1" HI PRES CLNCHR TIRE- 26" (590mm)
1 105919S 22" x 1" HI PRESS CLNCHR ULTRALIGHT- 22" (489mm)