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Zippie Iris (chairs W/ S/n Prefix Pcg)

Name: Zippie Iris (Chairs w/ S/N Prefix Pcg): Tilt Handle & Cable (ped) Stroller Handle & Reclining Backrest
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Tilt Handle & Cable (ped) Stroller Handle & Reclining Backrest parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1, 3 580110 CYLINDER LOCK LEVER ASSM QT/QR/P5 N/A EA Please Call
2 281120 10/32 x 5/8 PAN HD PHIL
4A 101319-001 CABLE ASSEMBLY PED - SHORT- 38" Long N/A EA Please Call
4B 101319-002 CABLE ASSEMBLY PED - MEDIUM- 41" Long N/A EA Please Call
4C 101319-003 CABLE ASSEMBLY PED - LONG- 44" Long N/A EA Please Call