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loadingLoading... Zippie TS / Zippie TS SE (Chairs w/ S/N Prefix Z1A & Z1SE)

Zippie Ts / Zippie Ts Se (chairs W/ S/n Prefix Z1a & Z1se)

Name: Zippie TS / Zippie TS SE (Chairs w/ S/N Prefix Z1A & Z1SE): Extension Mount Elr Retrofit (latch Stud Style) (disc. 2/6/17)
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Extension Mount Elr Retrofit (latch Stud Style) (disc. 2/6/17) parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1A 131774S HEMI ELR HNGR ASM 14-15 W/PAD
1B 131775S HEMI ELR HNGR ASM 16-17 W/PAD
1C 131776S HEMI ELR HNGR ASM 18-20 W/PAD
2 107491S LATCH STUD KIT- order qty 2 when retro-fitting to chair
- Use with multiple assemblies N/A EA Please Call
ASSY - HNG - FP ASSY-HNG-FP HANGER/FOOTPLATE ASSY REQUIRED- add with Hanger & Footplate kit N/A EA Please Call